Essential Oils Glossary

Derived from leaves, bark, flowers, roots, stems and other parts of the whole plant, essential oils are the highly concentrated, healing liquid of plants; the true essence of aromatherapy and other natural, physical and psychological therapeutic practices. Free from artificially created perfumes or fragrances, the chemical composition of essential oil molecules carefully penetrate the lungs when inhaled and are absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream to deliver efficient and effective healing qualities.

For thousands of years, essential oils have been part of natural medicine. They support the bodies natural healing processes and give the body the opportunity to heal itself. They have also been shown to enhance and balance out moods and bring energy or calm when needed.

Grown and harvested throughout the world, each essential oil is hand selected and purposefully chosen from its indigenous place of origin, to maximize therapeutic potentiality.

Angelica - Celebrated for its sweet, spicy aroma, Angelica is a popular essential oil for aiding in releasing negative emotions of greed, loneliness, rejection, shame and weakness. And it will allow protection and strength to reach to the spirit. This oil is used frequently in emotional release work not only because it facilitates emotional clearing but also because it protects the wearer from negative energies and emotions of those around us.
Arborvitae - “Tree of Life”, this powerhouse essential oil is known to have a high content of tropolones, a group of chemical compounds that protect against environmental and seasonal threats. Arborvitae also promotes healthy cell functioning, is a great cleansing and purifying agent and is a natural insect repellent and wood preservative.
Balsam Fir - Balsam Fir has a wonderful woodsy and refreshing aroma. This oil can be diffused for a grounding, relaxing, and calming aroma, and to create a heightened spiritual environment during meditation.
Basil - “The Oil of Renewal”, the smell of Basil oil brings strength to the heart and relaxation to the mind. It helps with feeling overwhelmed, fatigue, low energy and the inability to cope with life’s stressors. It is an excellent oil for states of nervousness, anxiety, and depression. It can also be helpful for addiction recovery and gives hope and optimism to the tired soul. It brings rejuvenation of vital forces after long periods of burnout and exhaustion.
Bergamot - “The Oil of Self-Acceptance”, Bergamot relieves feelings of despair, self-judgment and low self-esteem. It supports the individual in need of self-acceptance and self-love. It invites individuals to see life with more optimism.
Birch - “The Oil of Support”, Birch offers support to the unsupported. It offers support to the weak-willed to stand tall and firm in what they believe. It helps individuals to feel their roots, specifically their connection to family and ancestors. It teaches there is more to life than pain, and that with the right support and the right grounding, one can be held up and sustained by Divine grace.
Black Pepper - “The Oil of Unmasking”, Black Pepper reveals the masks and facades used to hide aspects of the Self. It invites individuals to “get real” by digging deep into the less understood parts of the Self.
Cypress - This oil helps with emotional cleansing, moving a stuck or slow-moving healing process forward. It’s strong ability to help a person release emotions and trauma can even be described as a purging and can be intense, especially if you’re not prepared for the work it’ll ask of you.
In addition to the emotional flow it can create, cypress oil can also help us to learn how to go with the flow, showing a person how to let go, trust the process of life, and enjoy the course. (Because of these qualities it might also help a person struggling with loss, control, tension and more.) I’ll say it again though; it’s a strong oil to use emotionally. But it’s worth it. Trapped emotions might be tough to deal with, but it’s better than ignoring them. It induces a calming, relaxing and sedative effect on both the mind and body by relieving nervous stress and anxiety.
Cardamom - Cardamom essential oil is a very strong body awareness and body system booster. It helps to pump up the energy systems and relax nerves that are stimulated by the mind. It is a great motivator for reaching goals and allowing the mind to let go.
Cassia - Emotionally Cassia essential oil is said to encourage a person’s sense of self, inner strength, and courage. In this way, it may be helpful to support a person’s confidence, ability to “put themselves out there”, or try new things as they feel self-assured in their ability and worth.
Carrot Seed - Carrot Seed essential oil is rich in Carotene and Vitamin-A, both of which are very beneficial for the eyes and are effective antioxidants. This oil helps to rid the body of all those that do not prove to be serving and beneficial to the body, especially in the internal organs that help with elimination and detox.
Cedarwood - “The Oil Community”, Cedarwood brings people together to experience the strength and value of community. It inspires the feeling of belonging and assists the heart in the opening to receive the love and support of other people.
Celery Seed - Celery Seed essential oil has a sweet, warm, and earthy spice aroma. It has historically been used for easing and soothing discomfort.
Cilantro - Cilantro essential oil is a great oil for detoxification all that does not support your well-being. Its close relation to coriander may mean it has similar emotional benefits as well, such as relief from stress, and energetic support in helping a person honor their boundaries, find courage, process the events of life, and stay true to their authentic self.
Cinnamon Bark - Cinnamon Bark was used traditionally as a tonic, and powerful digestive aid. Closely related to Cassia, it’s a “hot” oil, and when diffused, you can really experience its spicy and warm aroma. It’s most commonly used for matters of the immune system, and to relax the tension in the mind and body. It is a great mood supporter.
Cistus - Cistus essential oil comes from a rose that has a soft, honey-like scent. It is believed to be the biblical rose of Sharon. Calming and uplifting, it is helpful for meditating and counseling. Cistus is also used for respiratory support.
Citronella - Citronella is great for comforting fears and dispelling negative emotions. It settles the idea of pain and mitigates nervous exhaustion, and of course is a great natural bug repellent.
Clary Sage - “The Oil of Clarity & Vision”, Cleary Sage assists the individual in changing their perceptions. It gives courage to “see” the truth. It encourages individuals to remain open to new ideas and new perspectives and opens the soul to new possibilities and experiences.
Clove - Clove is a powerful digestive aid and helps relax the smooth muscle lining in your gastrointestinal tract. It is great for addressing skin problems like warts, acne, sagging skin, and wrinkles. It acts as a powerful insect repellent and helps ease respiratory problems, such as a cough, colds, sinusitis, asthma, and tuberculosis. Clove is commonly applied topically to address fungal infections, wounds, and cuts and also used to relieve pain and stress.
Copaiba - Copaiba essential oil is considered to some, one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient on the planet. It is commonly used in reducing pain and inflammation anywhere on the body, and even inside it.  It is a very strong anti-inflammatory, especially when it is taken internally.
Coriander - Coriander essential oil is primarily used to support the digestive and hormonal systems. Aromatically, it may act as either a stimulant for physical energy or a relaxant for bad moods. It helps to ease stomach upsets, aids in healthy insulin responses, soothes joint and muscle discomfort, and helps to rejuvenate the skin.
Dill - Aromatically Dill essential oil has a calming effect on the mind and body. This may make it useful during times of stress, within tense relationships, handling triggers, or with hyperactivity or lack of focus. Because of its influence over the digestive system this may mean it’s also useful for issues surrounding the sacral (second) and solar plexus (third) chakras, including feeling grounded, self-confident, centered, and comfortable in your own skin.
Dorado Azul - Part of the mint family, this essential oil is great for emotional imbalance and is an effective natural mosquito repellent.
Elemi - Elemi essential oil has a stimulating, energizing, strengthening, cleansing and clarifying action. In common with its distant cousin frankincense, its rejuvenating action helps to breathe life back into the dull, lifeless and mature skin. On the emotional system, elemi oil imparts a strengthening, balancing and centering action which makes it valuable in meditation. Use it to stimulate mental ability when you are suffering from stress, nervous exhaustion or simply feeling sluggish. Elemi essential oil can be used to help dispel loneliness and create a more positive outlook and encourage hopefulness.
Eucalyptus - Though most commonly used for its support of the respiratory system and any issues involving it, as well as many skin related concerns, aromatically, Eucalyptus has psychological benefits too. In particular, it relates to a person’s willingness to be well. Many people may think that everyone desires to be well, but don’t acknowledge the often underlying patterns that keep us perpetuating illness. It might be out of a lack of self-love, feelings of “selfishness”, hypochondria, or even a lesson that many people learn that says the illness is what gains you love and attention. Eucalyptus oil also helps people regain their own health empowerment, self-approval, and self-love, release patterns of neediness to those who can’t or aren’t willing to love or care for them, and even move past patterns that keep a person in a role of victim to people or circumstances.
Fennel - Emotionally and spiritually, fennel is said to support a person’s responsibility (or confidence in their ability to respond). This means it might help a person struggling with self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of motivation, accountability, or stubbornness, and help them live in alignment with their values and integrity. Historically, it was even used to bestow strength and courage to warriors and may support stamina and longevity by strengthening the solar plexus.
Frankincense - Because of its emotional and spiritual effect, the high vibrational aroma of frankincense essential oil is commonly used in prayer and meditation, helping a person drop out of their mind and Ego and move into presence with their spirit or center of consciousness. It helps a person lean into their own spiritual practice with trust by dropping the fear and other barriers to a deeper connection of one’s own understanding.
Galbanum - Galbanum is a wonderful oil to use for calming and balancing the psyche. It harmonizes, centers and brings one into inner focus. It can also help reduce nervous tension, stress, and emotional upset. Known to relieve anger and depression, galbanum also aids in dispelling irritability, hysteria, paranoia and general malaise. Considered an aphrodisiac by the ancients, this soothing oil relaxes the nervous system reducing emotional rigidity and releasing energy for more creative purposes. Its balancing effect on the pineal gland makes it an ideal oil for use in meditation and deep spiritual work.
Geranium - Energetically, it’s said to help a person regain their trust in the world and in others. This heart-center oil helps us to heal, tear down barriers, release anger, and manage overwhelming emotions. It might be good for a person who has been deeply hurt in the past and/or who struggles to open up or express their emotions.
German Chamomile - Spiritually, German Chamomile is said to support a person who is seeking their purpose or struggling with the feeling of purposelessness. It can help one to overcome discouragement, disappointment, or hopelessness, and find clarity and focus on the things that bring meaning to their lives and the lives of others. It’s thought to soften one’s Ego in order to tune into their own intuitive center for inner guidance, in order to hear one’s wisdom speaking louder than one’s own fears or unhelpful patterns.
Emotionally, it brings about a sense of calm and peacefulness, which can often be closely related to a person’s ability to lean into trust, promote serenity in all areas of life, or even release any need to create drama.
Ginger - Ginger is called the “oil of empowerment”, addressing feelings of powerlessness, patterns of fears of victimization, and creating an inner fire and strength to step into a role of leader in one’s own life. Because of this nonphysical effect, it may be useful in addressing patterns of courage or fear, scarcity or abundance, and finding the healthy balance between the two sides of the spectrum.
Goldenrod - This essential oil helps best with people experiencing stress and anxiety. It aims to bring people back into alignment and into a better feeling place their well-being and optimism is once again flowing. Goldenrod helps to balance the heart chakra and imbues the energy field with love of life and all its creatures.
Grapefruit - Grapefruit essential oil supports one’s own sense of self-love and approval, especially in regards to loving and honoring our bodies. It can help a person hold their body in gratitude for all it does, treat it with honor and care, and therefore encourage healthy habits out of a sense of love, instead of self-hatred.
Likewise, as with all citrus oils, it has an uplifting aroma which may help with anxiety, bad moods, or stress, all of which impact our hormones and thus our weight. But it does so from a place of integrity and confidence, not self-loathing a belief we are not good enough as we are.
Helichrysum - Often deemed “The Oil for Pain,” this amazing oil offers hope that wounds can heal. It is very transformative, in that it helps to teach people about gratitude for their trials, and turns despair into hope and helps guide people through difficulties. It is a powerful spiritual supporter.
Hinoki - Hinoki essential oil is energizing and uplifting to the mind. Hinoki wood has a spicy, lemon scent, is light pinkish-brown in color, and is highly rot resistant. Also known as a powerful oil of relaxation and calming, this oil aims to release minor agitation the mind and body and promotes peace of mind.
Hong Kuai - This is a great oil to help foster stronger personal confidence and a positive emotional outlook. For inspiration and to relieve stress, anxiety or fears, this essential oil helps to empower individuals and cultivate perseverance.
Hyssop - Purifying and warming, Hyssop essential oil helps to bring heightened spiritual and emotional connection and well-being.  With its earthy and woody aroma, this essential oil stimulates the mind for a deeper meditation and manifests greater creativity. It releases judgment of self and others, as well as, old beliefs that no longer serve our spiritual direction. It supports our spiritual journey of discovery, purpose and inner nourishment.
Idaho Blue Spruce - This is a very relaxing and grounding essential oil that has a woody and evergreen scent that is refreshing yet calming. While providing a feeling of deep peace and security, Idaho Blue Spruce helps us to open our heart by providing a sense of security and trust in who we are (and the universe). It empowers us to be that person by knowing that you are safe to become that person.
Jade Lemon - This oil aims to invigorate, uplift, and energize, as well as support clarity of thought and purpose. This oil supports skin health and helps open and release emotional blocks which are also useful to clean, detox, and purify the thoughts we have as well as the negative emotions that may linger about.  Jade Lemon is also known to induce relaxation and invoke feelings of happiness.
Jasmine - Known for its high vibrations and frequencies, Jasmine essential oil is said to be the “Oil of support,” helping you find your own inner support and strength, rooting yourself into your own center and allowing you to seek, find, and receive support in new ways. It can also support you in breaking generational patterns and bring healing to relationships. It will assist you in processing and overcoming feeling unsupported, alone, or rejected, but also in being flexible while sturdy and grounded. It may also help when you’re feeling scattered, overwhelmed, unsupported, resistant toward or lack of connection with others, the challenge around trust, and so on.
Juniper - Juniper is a great emotional support oil and is said to have an encouraging and supportive effect on the emotional and spiritual aspects of a person, particularly helping a person navigate fears and resistance to the type of digging deep necessary for healing. It’s even said to help a person overcome nightmares, especially those with deeper unconscious meaning, and help gain more restful sleep. Children might find this oil beneficial when they are afraid of the dark, helping them to find the courage to face their fears and scare off the monsters under the bed. It can allow them to learn there is nothing to fear when they have the courage to be themselves out there in the world. For adults, juniper berry essential oil helps us do the deep and dirty work of spiritual healing, especially from trauma or pain we’re afraid to look at, or beliefs we don’t want to examine because we fear they might be true (such as “I’m unlovable”). By facing our fears, we can begin to dismantle and become free of them.
Laurus Nobilis - Th3vsweet fresh and spicy aroma of this essential oil is relaxing and balancing and is said to heighten awareness and perception. It is also an intuitive oil that amplifies the mind’s ability to receive messages and integrate the breakdown of emotional blocks. Those who would like to open or enhance their creative side will like to use this oil in their work and during meditation. Laurel oil integrates the emotional and metal bodies together.
Lavender - “The Oil of Communication”, Lavender aids in verbal expression and calms the insecurities that are felt when one risks their true thoughts and feelings. It encourages emotional honesty and insists that one speak their innermost thoughts and desires. Through lavender’s courageous spirit, one is free to share their True Self with others.
Ledum - Ledum essential oil is a great cleansing and grounding oil, used to help release the emotions of dissatisfaction, anger, and obsession. It will better help us let go of traumatic memories and experiences that may be the root of those negative emotions. Once we release negative emotions, this oil can help us stay spiritually centered and stay in the moment.
Lemon - “The Oil of Focus”, Lemon nourishes the mind and aids concentration and improves one’s ability to focus. It dispels confusion and bestows charity. It teaches individuals to be mentally present by focusing on one thing at a time. Lemon restores energy, mental flexibility, and the drive to complete a project.
Lemon Myrtle - The fresh aroma is uplifting and refreshing, which may help clear the mind to enhance concentration or promote a peaceful night’s sleep.
Lemongrass - “The Oil of Cleansing”, Lemongrass is a powerful cleanser of energy. It dispels feelings of despondency, despair, and lethargy. It teaches individuals to move forward with hesitation and asks them to commit to a healing path where change is a regular occurrence.
Lime - “The Oil of Zest for Life”, Lime imbues the soul with a zest for life. When an individual has been weighed down by discouragement or grief, lime elevates them above the mire. It instills courage and cheer in the heart and reminds them to be grateful for the gift of life.
Marjoram - Marjoram essential oil is thought to relate to the heart center and help build healthy relationships with others. In this way, it may also be good for anyone with trust issues, who struggle to let others in or has their guard up (unnecessarily), or who might feel distant or cold to others. It may help you to feel safe sharing your heart with others.
Melaleuca - Energetically, Melaleuca oil is said to promote healthy boundaries, specifically in unhealthy or toxic relationships. It not only helps us to step out of codependency (stepping into our own strength and individuality), but also release those connections that have become unbalanced, draining, or stop us from growing. Melaleuca essential oil helps us to love ourselves, trust our own abilities, enjoy our own presence, say no when we need to, and honor our needs for respect or love from the right people in our lives.
Melissa - Melissa essential oil’s citrus-like aroma is uplifting to the mind and energy, but it’s especially uplifting to the soul, said to support a person in remembering Who They Are and why they are here. Especially when we may find ourselves in the depths of hopelessness or self-doubt, feeling desperate or unable to go forward, Melissa essential oil can open us up to the potential of joy, teaching us how to allow it to flow through us and our life again. It can lift us up out of those dark places and back into light and hope.
Mountain Savory - Its sharp herbaceous aroma is energizing and motivating. Mountain Savory essential oil allows us to release overbearing control of our lives and of others. It does this by letting go of hurt and disappointment of the egotistical mind. It also opens our heart to sexuality. The energy must flow from the root through the sacral to the heart chakra in order to embrace unconditional love. The energy may be stuck as a result of shame, guilt or even a fear of intimacy.
Myrrh - Myrrh essential oil is said to impact our sense of maternal connection and healthy attachment, especially relating to trust, abandonment, trauma, and feeling unsafe. Because healthy attachment is critical to our sense of safety in the world around us and those in it, it may support the parent-child bond in adoption and foster, or support an adult in releasing childhood trauma that may impact their current relationships or ability to form trusting bonds with others.
Myrtle - Myrtle essential oil is uplifting and euphoric. It has a sweet, slightly aroma with a light floral overtone. Myrtle oil helps balance the male and female energies of the body by releasing anger and inner conflict. It will help those who feel suppressed or confused by life as well. Balancing the male and female energies is important to becoming whole in our spiritual evolution. Often times we are taught to be one-sided and avoid masculine or feminine traits.
Neroli - Neroli essential oil has great therapeutic effects for handling anger, anxiety, fatigue, hypersensitivity, insomnia, nervousness, stress/overwork, and irritability! Neroli oil will counter mental confusion, depression, fear and emotional shock. If you have to give a presentation but are petrified of speaking in public, neroli is your friend! Last, of all, neroli inspires courage and happiness.
Nutmeg - Nutmeg and the spirit together can achieve the softening of fears and encouragement of self-esteem which can dissolve sadness and bring happier moods. The mind and the oil are able to bring high levels of confidence, balance emotions, and promote a restful slumber
Ocotea - Ocotea essential oil has a pleasant cleansing and supportive nature about it. It is used to ease stress, anxiety, and fear. It also helps aid the body’s natural response to irritation and injury by supporting healthy confidence and willpower and manifesting feelings of satiety (feeling of fullness).
Ocotea essential oil has been honored as spiritual oil for many years. It is known to cleanse or purify the spirit. And today it is still used in purification rituals in the Amazon.
Oregano - Oregano essential oil is said to teach a person non-attachment, especially to their own Ego and the false identities they’ve built into their lives. It may help a person to release the need to be right, diminishing (harmful forms of) pride, let go of unhelpful opinions (or the need to share them in unhelpful ways), and to learn not to cling tightly to the impermanent. Think of these things like emotional viruses that this antiviral oil clears swiftly and powerfully. This can leave a person able to dive into the flow of Life and their own spiritual practice without the common blocks (our own mind) getting in the way.
Palmarosa - This essential oil is sweet and rose-like. Its aroma is very calming yet refreshing. Palmarosa helps to open the heart chakra and connect with mother earth energy which in turn provides us with a sense of security and unconditional love. When we are in the state of fear our heart energy closes and we become shut down. Palmarosa releases emotions of shutdown, resentment and powerless that come from keeping a closed heart or from mother issues. When we embrace the energy of a mother or mother earth we feel protected and nourished from within.
Palo Santo - This essential oil has a settling, calming and grounding quality that makes it a great ally for maintaining emotional equanimity and spiritual fulfillment. At the same time, palo santo has a distinct uplifting effect. Often used for shamanic ritual, it is a valuable tool for meditation, for enhancing creativity, and for tasks requiring sustained concentration.
Patchouli - Patchouli essential oil is also said to connect one to their own body, helping a person release patterns of shame or “not enough-ness”, and feel more self-love and acceptance towards their physical self. It does this by acting as a grounding support, helping you to reconnect with and settle into your body. In this way, it compliments exercises that encourage body mindfulness, such as tai chi or yoga asanas. It can also help to relieve anxiety or stress, the things we often feel when we begin to disassociate and feel ungrounded or unbalanced.
Peppermint - Emotionally and spiritually, the essential oil of peppermint is uplifting and rejuvenating to the heart and mind. It helps a person rise above stress, pain, sadness, or fear, and regain the sense of zest and joy for Life and their role in it.
In this way, it may be good for someone experiencing grief, hopelessness, and even pessimism, or even help a person digest the happenings of their life with trust and understanding both in their ability to manage what comes their way, as well as for the process of Life itself. If you tend to experience emotional stress in your digestive system (like “knots in your stomach” perhaps), this can be a good one to use.
Petitgrain - Petitgrain oil is about relinquishing self-control and instilling self-acceptance and love. It helps us be rather than do therefore it is helpful in easing panic and fear, and calming the body. This oil can help us overcome addictions and compulsions. It releases denial, avoidance, and self-judgment. Once these emotions are released we can see that we are using our emotional addictions to keep an illusionary state.
Pine - Pine essential oil creates an energized feeling and is effective for removing mental stress from any number of sources. It is also used medicinally for removing adrenal fatigue and refreshing your spirits since it is an excellent mood elevator. Getting regularly massaged with pine essential oil can give you mental clarity, and it removes anxiety and nervous tension. Finally, it has been shown to be quite useful for people suffering from weakened concentration and memory loss
Ravintsara - This essential oil has a medicinal yet sweet aroma and is calming. Ravensara oil can clear confusion from our heart and release grief held by the lungs. It helps to let go of nervous tension, stress, and anxiety and provoke positive feelings of hope and joy.
Roman Chamomile - Spiritually, it’s said to support a person who is seeking their purpose or struggling with a feeling of purposelessness. It can help one to overcome discouragement, disappointment, or hopelessness, and find clarity and focus on the things that bring meaning to their lives and the lives of others. It’s thought to soften one’s Ego in order to tune into their own intuitive center for inner guidance, in order to hear one’s wisdom speaking louder than one’s own fears or unhelpful patterns. Emotionally, Roman Chamomile essential oil brings about a sense of calm and peacefulness, which can often be closely related to a person’s ability to lean into trust, promote serenity in all areas of life, or even release any need to create drama.
Rose - Rose essential oil is specific for women and has proven useful for stress, nerves, nausea and as an aphrodisiac and is known to raise sexual libido. Its antimicrobial and aromatherapy benefits are good for skin dermatitis and acne. Rose has one of the highest oil frequencies and can raise personal health vibrations dramatically when used.
Rosemary - Rosemary essential oil is great for relieving indigestion and symptoms related to stomach issues, such as, flatulence, stomach cramps, constipation, and bloating. It is a powerful stress reliever oil, decreases the level of cortisol, and has an amazing ability to relieve pain, headaches, muscle pains, and even arthritis. It is also known to boost the immune system and relieve respiratory problems.
Sage - Sage oil is an oil for dispelling confusion and illusion, it’s often used on the brow and during meditation, contemplation, or creative work. It can help us see possibilities that we struggle to find when we’re lost in our own heads or thoughts and need to tap into something deeper, and can bring light to dark places we’re struggling to move through. It helps us to open ourselves to intuition and inner wisdom to be guided by an understanding that is both deeper within and further beyond us.
Sandalwood - Sandalwood oil is widely known for being a spiritual, sacred oil, used around the world during practices of prayer and meditation. Perhaps this is because of the way the oil impacts a busy mind, calming thoughts and anxiety or worry, allowing a person to relax in a peaceful state, let go of their own mind/ego, and slip into presence (especially when applied to the forehead, the prefrontal cortex, which is your worry center of the brain).
Spearmint - Spearmint essential oil is a wonderful nerve relaxer, especially for tense muscles. It is known to stimulate the body and increase energy and enhance brain function. It is common for people with respiratory problems, such as colds, nasal congestion, asthma, and flu.
Spikenard - Oil of Spikenard is a spiritual oil that is relaxing, centering and grounding. This oil will help us release the need to control and rebel against power and authority figures. For those who misuse the power of will, this will be a good oil for emotional release work. In the positive sense, it will reconnect us spiritually.
Tangerine - “The Oil of Cheer & Creativity”, Tangerine’s strong qualities of cheer and joyfulness can lift the darkest of moods. It can assist those who feel cut off from the lightness of heart often manifested by children. It encourages a person to be creative and spontaneous.
Tarragon - Tarragon energy is invigorating — it awakens the life force within the body, acts as an energetic shield to diffuse the force of Spiritual impact upon the nervous system, assuring the physical body does not become overstimulated by too much Spiritual energy. Tarragon energy grounds Spiritual energy into the physical body, pulling the energy down into the first chakra, opening a feeling of greater stability and connection with Earth energy
Thyme - Thyme essential oil has been used for everything from courage and warding off nightmares, to energizing and revitalizing the soul, aiding focus and mental clarity, and uplifting moods. It’s said to be the “oil releasing and forgiveness” since it’s a powerful cleanser and is thought to help a person “cleanse” blocked or stuck emotions. In this way, it might help with the emotions that apply (anger, resentment, etc).
Tsuga - The energy of this oil assists with the divine and mother earth connection. It is uplifting and grounding and evokes ultimate balance and emotional health and well-being. It is good for meditation (and yoga). As with most tree oils, it is rounding oil which means it brings calming and solidity to the spirit.
Valerian - This is a wonderful winding down before bed or sleep essential oil and has amazing calming and restorative effects on the central nervous system. It is best known for its relaxing and balancing. Properties and gives the user greater clarity and balance.
Vetiver - Vetiver is a deeply grounding oil, often used to promote restful sleep, but equally helpful when you feel restless in life. It can help bring you back down to earth to find a comfortable footing in your own role and path. It can help with relaxation and has been found to bring about sleep deeper. Vetiver essential oil may help a person who lacks motivation, struggles with apathy or a feeling of “why bother”, or who feels disconnected by first allowing them to find that sense of deep and meaningful connection in their body and with the earth, a strong foundation to build the rest of life upon. It might also help someone settle in, dig deep, or become conscious of the unconscious.
White Fir - White Fir is a grounding oil. Think of a tree, whose roots reach deep into the Earth while its branches reach high into the sky and you’ll get a picture of the emotional effects of this oil. Grounding yet empowering and uplifting. It leaves you feeling emotionally stable and strong enough to weather the storms.
Wild Orange - “The Oil of Abundance”, Wild Orange inspires abundance, fosters creativity, supports a positive mood, restores physical energy and aids in transitions. It also reconnects individuals with their inner child and brings spontaneity, fun, joy and play into one’s life.
Wintergreen - Wintergreen essential oil is said to have some powerful emotional and spiritual uses when used aromatically. It can assist us in letting go, surrendering control, and trusting the process of life. It’s good for issues around micro-managing, arrogance, or lack of trust for others. It helps us to release pain, old habits or beliefs, and lean into our own spiritual understanding.
Xiang Mao - Xiang Mao essential oil is harvested in Taiwan and manifests greater spiritual awareness, has a great calming effect, is relaxing and also cleansing to the mind and body.
Ylang Ylang - Ylang ylang essential oil is truly one of the best “Oils of the Heart.” It can help us connect to our own heart, process things from the heart, and heal emotional traumas. It’s also thought to be the oil of the inner child, helping us connect to our own sense of inner joy and being in the moment, as children so easily do. This allows us to play, release bottled up emotions, and move back into our sense of trust in the process of Life.



DISCLAIMER: The information and products provided by this website is for informational and recreational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease(s). Always seek advice from your healthcare provider or professional if you have questions regarding alternative, holistic approaches, essential oils, or homeopathic approaches to wellness or adopting any treatment for a health problem. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this website. Information provided on this website and the use of any products or services purchased from us does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and any of the persons affiliated with this site.

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